Sparking further discussion around Passive Fire Protection in New Zealand
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Sparking further discussion around Passive Fire Protection in New Zealand

You’ll hear The Connect Group's FireProtect team raising discussions around Passive Fire Protection quite a lot - because as a group, Passive Fire Protection is something we are extremely passionate about.

You may not be aware, but Passive Fire Protection is a critical part of ANY building being constructed or renovated. There are some elements of Passive Fire Protection you can see and some you cant. Either way, as we said, Passive Fire Protection is extremely critical.

What is Passive Fire Protection?

Passive Fire Protection (or PFP as we will refer to it from time to time) are components that are installed inside structures, to contain or slow the spread of fire. Passive Fire Protection components include walls, doors, and floors.

What does Passive Fire Protection do exactly?

Passive Fire Protection elements are designed to allow you to escape from a building SAFELY and in time – these elements also to allow our Firefighters time to get people out, especially those who may need assistance in the event of a fire.

Do all buildings have Passive Fire Protection Systems?

We’d like to answer this with a yes, but sadly, this isn’t the case. New construction is still being let down by un-tested Passive Fire systems being installed - or tested Passive Fire systems that are not being installed correctly.

Unfortunately, Passive Fire Protection is still an afterthought on many new commercial construction sites, meaning there is little to no early engagement with competent Passive Fire installers, who can ensure the fire stopping is designed and installed correctly. Existing buildings are also a major concern as, after years of incorrect Passive Fire installations, many asset owners are unaware of potentially fatal fire stopping in their buildings.

The increased activity and discussions around Passive Fire Protection is a positive step for industry, but there is still much more work to be done, as the Insurance Council of New Zealand is only raising the issue in regards to buildings 50 storeys or higher. However, as previously mentioned, there are issues around commercial and public buildings of only a few floors in height, that are not being raised - and they need to be.

We encourage discussion in your workplace and to ask questions of your buildings passive fire systems.

If you have any questions or comments in regards to Passive Fire – please contact (Technical Sales & Solutions for FireProtect)

From Eifion - “When done correctly, Passive Fire Protection saves lives – it ensures people can safely exit a building in the event of a fire. And for building owners, it means less damage to your asset, in the event of a fire. We need to take it seriously”

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