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NZ Concrete Contractors Association - On the Level (Dec 2021)

Reduce the need for multiple contractors - repair and protect your asset.

The Connect Group provides a multitude of services nationwide ranging from concrete repairs to seismic strengthening, passive fire protection, protective coatings, and fireproofing coatings. From advising from the outset to looking beyond what is required and offering alternatives, our internationally trained team of specialists will help you achieve the best results -because we believe success comes down to more than quality work.

Hydro demolition & Hydroscabbling

NZ Concrete Contractors Association - On the Level (Dec 2021)

Hydro Scabbling (also known as concrete scabbling) is a preparation process in which our ComBlast Mobile team use UHP (Ultra High-Pressure Water Blasting/Water Jetting) at 40,000 PSI to remove the concrete's surface layer, to achieve the specified amplitude. This method prepares the substrate for additional pours or shotcrete application.

In hydro demolition, the concrete is demolished without percussion, causing no damage to steel or surrounding areas. Another advantage of hydro demolition is the lack of dust, and no sparks are produced!

Seismic Strengthening

While the focus on residential earthquake repairs is vital to our country, there has been no notable attention paid to the fact that there are thousands of commercial properties that have been repaired incorrectly – or not been repaired at all.

One aspect of seismic strengthening is Carbon Fibre Wrapping (pictured) - which is a key strengthening component due to its high strength capacity, lightweight and low intrusive nature. Working with a structural engineer's plans, carbon fibre can be applied to internal walls, structural columns, and floor diaphragms. This ensures its future and the safety of its occupations for many years to come.

Read the full issue of NZ Concrete Contractors Association - On the Level (Dec 2021) - here


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